


Can you put me on a list/ send me a note/ set aside this out of stock product for me?

No we can not put you on a personal list, or remember to contact you about an out of stock product. We do offer In Stock Notification services and we encourage you to sign up that way to be notified. 

When will X color and/or product(s) be back in stock?

We do our best to get popular items back in stock as fast as possible, but we probably don't have an exact date for you as to when an item will be back. Again, we encourage you to sign up using the Notify Me button on out of stock items. This way you will get an email when items arrive back in stock.

Can I get more of "X" color in my pattern? Can you please pick out a "good looking" pattern? Why doesn't my item's cammo look like the one in the photo?

Patterns are random. Period. That is the nature of camouflage. We don't create the pattern. We will not hand select patterns. Photos try to represent the options that might be seen in your pattern. We can not guarantee that you will get all the colors or density that you want in your item.